
Environmental Timber Purchasing Policy

AJB Group recognises a responsibility to the environment and provides an ecological and sustainable institution. AJB customers, suppliers and staff, AJB Group is to base its commercial activities on well-managed forests.

AJB Group is committed to identify the source of all wood used as an input to its "volume credit account" or in the manufacturer of its FSC labelled products and to taking all reasonable measures to ensure that material as listed below shall not be purchased by AJB Group

a) Timber that has been illegally harvested (controversial sources).
b) Timber from genetically modified trees.
c) Timber from areas where traditional or civil rights are violated.
d) Timber from uncertified high conversation value forest or from endangered forest.
e) Timber from forests converted to plantations or other uses.

To this end all suppliers of non- FSC certified timber will be required to fill in a "Timber Source Questionnaire" to accurately identify the forest of origin and using this information we will make available to concerned parties a list of all the countries from which we source our certified wood.

AJB Group will regularly obtain from suppliers:

a) Information relating to their environmental practices.
b) Clearest practicable information regarding sources of raw material used in the manufacture of the wood products.
c) Annual Supplier certification details from FSC website

The information received will form part of purchasing decision and will be made available on request to interested parties.

AJB Group recognises that the independent certification of forests and the process chain is the most useful tool in providing assurance that the timber comes from legal and well managed forests. AJB Group will only accept or use labels or certificates which include environmental or sustainability claims if these are supported by publicly available standards drawn up in a fully participatory transparent and objective manner and backed by independent inspection.

AJB Group will avoid misleading and unsubstantiated environmental claims in relation to wood products supplies.

AJB Group has appointed Amarjit Binji to be responsible for the implementation of this policy and will ensure that environmental issues relevant to the policy are discussed regularly at the highest level of management. AJB Group will ensure that all employees associated with timber purchasing are encouraged to act in accordance with this policy and are given appropriate education and training to do so if required. AJB Group will define its own performance in accordance with this policy.


Fire Safety Policy Statement

AJB Woodworking Ltd T/A AJB Group will assess and control the risks from fire in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Premises are equipped with appropriate firefighting equipment, fire detection and fire warning systems that are suitable and sufficient for the features of the premises, the activity carried out and the hazards present. Emergency routes and exits are maintained in good working order and unobstructed.

The Company will ensure that arrangements are in place to ensure that all firefighting equipment is regularly maintained. Suitable records of such maintenance should be kept.

Managers are responsible for checking fire safety hardware during monthly site safety audits.

The Company has an emergency plan to follow in the event offire or sounding of the alarm.

Managers are responsible for giving new employees a basic fire safety induction, covering the risk of fire, control measures in place to protect them and location of the fire assembly point. Further training on fire awareness will be provided for employees via the fire awareness elearning module on OPUS.

In the event of fire or sounding of the alarm all employees should stop what they are doing, leave any personal belongings and walk to the nearest safe exit.

  • Appointed Darren Moore & Opus are the Health & Safety Officers as the responsible persons for Fire Safety.
  • The following individuals are Fire Marshals for the Factory/Office who have carried out sufficient training;
    • Mandeep Binji - Operations Director
    • Lewis Elverstone - Machine Shop Supervisor
    • Ashley Reynolds -  Finishing Coordinator
    • Hitts Maisuria - Project Manager
    • Andrius Marcinkivicius - Refit Coordinator
    • Steve Bateup -  Project Coordinator
    • Richard Cragg - Assembly Coordinator



AJB uses high quality engineered timber with modern timber preservation methods combined with high performance micro-porous coatings. This gives a highly durable joinery product which comes with a full guarantee subject to AJB's standard term and conditions.

It is essential that all customers and end-users read our guarantee in conjunction with our Product Care & Maintenance Manual. Download the guarantee now or read our guarantee below.

Download Guarantees Overview

Care & Maintenance Guide

Thank you for purchasing a AJB group product, manufactured to a strict quality assured system ensuring exacting performance and customer satisfaction.

To maintain this quality assurance the product must be cared for, installed and maintained in accordance with this manual.

Failure to comply with AJB's conditions may invalidate your warranty.

Please ensure a copy of this manual is kept with the product, or made available to the eventual user.

Download Care & Maintenance Guide


AJB group offer the most comprehensive guarantees in the industry. However please familiarise yourselves with the corresponding guarantee conditions to ensure your claim can be substantiated. The guarantee is offered as a extra benefit and does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.

Download Conditions


Health & Safety Policy Statement

It is the firm policy of AJB Group Limited (herein after referred to as the Company) to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety, health and welfare at work of all its employees and any others who may be affected by its undertaking, in accordance with current legislation.

The Company will provide such information, instruction and training as is necessary to ensure that all its employees are aware of their own duties and responsibilities under relevant legislation and to ensure implementation of this policy.

Risk assessments will be undertaken/ reviewed on a regular basis to ensure the identification of all significant hazards and corrective action required to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

Sufficient resources will be provided to meet the requirements of Health and Safety legislation.

Our general intentions are:

  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks to employees and others arising from our work activities;
  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health & safety;
  • To provide and maintain safe premises, plant and work equipment;
  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances;
  • To provide adequate information, instruction, training and/ or supervision for employees;
  • To conduct regular safety audits to measure performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and
  • To review and revise this policy at regular intervals.

As the proprietor, I will set a good personal example to others in complying with duties laid upon me and will expect all employees to co-operate with the company in respect of this policy to ensure it is carried out.

  • Darren Moore and Opus have been appointed the Health & Safety Officers/ Company who will work to ensure the above policy is met.
  • Steve Bateup & Lewis Elverstone are the pointed First Aider


    Training & Development Policy

    AJB Group is committed to providing high-quality joinery products which meet the standards our customers expect of us and we expect of ourselves.

    It is therefore essential that we employ a trained and competent workforce. We review our skills needs on a regular basis and are committed to investing in training and development. We use a variety of on the job, in-house and external training in order to meet the needs of the business. Employees are expected to participate in developing their skills, although their personal wishes in respect of their career development will be valued.

    All employees joining the company will be provided with an Induction Booklet followed by a full induction and individually encouraged to take part in further training to equip them to perform the tasks determined by the firm. Training will be provided to meet needs arising from performance or disciplinary matters and the employee will be expected to participate in the training.

    This policy will be implemented in line with the company’s Equal Opportunities and Health & Safety Policy.

    Aims and Objectives of Training and Development

    Training and development (including gaining qualifications) will be allocated to individuals according to their existing qualifications and training record and to ensure that the company meets any legal and regulatory obligations and that employees can function efficiently and effectively. (H&S Act 1974, Work equipment regulation 1998)

    Training and Development will be prioritised as follows:

    1. Legal/regulatory requirements (e.g. updating and gaining appropriate qualifications).
    2. Updating skills that are essential for Health and Safety (e.g. Manual Handling, operation of new machinery, and use of new materials).
    3. Training which will develop the business in general (e.g. Acquisition of Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) cards, communication, customer services and other skills).
    4. Personal Development (e.g. courses and training that benefit the individual as opposed to the company).

    Training and Development will take place over time and according to these priorities


    Quality Statement Policy

    The policy of AJB Group is to;

    • Provide its customers with quality products in a professional manner to not only meet individual customer needs, but wherever practicable exceed their expectations.
    • Ensure that AJB Group have the appropriate level of skilled personnel, and resources to fully meet customer, company and relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
    • Ensure that the policy statement is continually evaluated and communicated to all company personnel.
    • Comply with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 & BM TRADA Q MARK and continually review and improve the effectiveness of our quality management system.
    • Ensure that employee training needs are analysed and as appropriate relevant training given.
    • Review our quality aims and objectives inline with our business aims and objectives in the annual Management review meeting.
    • This policy is available to the public (usually on request).


      Environmental and Waste Management Policy

      AJB Group recognises that, as a manufacturer of joinery and timber products, our business has an impact on the environment in terms of the waste it generates, its use of raw materials and emissions to the air and water. We are committed to protecting our local environment and accept that we have a responsibility to minimise any potentially harmful effects arising from our activities to ourselves, our workforce and our neighbours.

      We aim to balance our business with environmental considerations so as to contribute towards sustainable development, so that we can meet our needs in the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs in the future.

      We undertake to comply fully with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and licensing conditions at all stages in our operations. Where possible and appropriate, we will exceed those requirements.

      To comply with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and continually review and improve the effectiveness of our environment management system.

      We endeavor to minimise the environmental impact of our work, and in particular to reduce noise, dust and waste wherever possible. We have in place processes and procedures which are intended to prevent pollution as a result of our operations.

      We make efficient use of energy resources wherever possible.

      We want to improve our environmental performance. In order to do this, we regularly assess how the business performs against specific environmental targets and objectives which we consider are relevant to what we do. We will always look for ways to:

      • Maximise our use of materials;
      • Conserve energy and water;
      • Reduce, minimise or prevent the generation of waste;
      • Re-cycle or re-use waste.

      Our employees play an important part in enabling us to live up to this commitment. We will ensure that they understand this policy and that they receive the support and training necessary they need to work with it. In turn, we expect them to accept their share of the responsibility applying this policy to their areas of work.

      We will work with our suppliers to help them improve their environmental performance, and we hope that they will help us to improve ours. We specify environmentally friendly products wherever possible and reasonably practical, and are willing to advice on environmentally friendly alternatives if asked.

      We are proud of our environmental commitment. Our policy and details of our achievements so far are available for inspection on request.